
Galaxy Zack: Hello, Nebulon! - An Introduction

I'll make this quick because Galaxy Zack: Hello, Nebulon! is a very quick read. I read it in one sitting. It's that kind of book. Not that it was a "real page turner". It was really just an introduction to the series. Nothing of significance actually happened. It was a quick read because there weren't many words on the page. It was almost like a comic book.

None of that is bad, in and of itself, but if a youngster had bought this book for himself, or if someone bought this book for a youngster, I fear said youngster would be sorely disappointed.

The publisher would be smiling though.

It's a good enough introduction that you want to read the next book in the series (I didn't) just to see if something important happens on the planet Nebulon. So it's a thumbs up for piquing interest but thumbs down for being interesting.