
So you want to know about Grandpa and his reviews, eh?

I'm Grandpa, and yes, I really am a grandpa. I've been a grandpa since 2009.

Being a grandpa is as much fun as you've heard. Maybe half of you will be one someday too.

This review site (or blog or whatever you want to call it) has its origins in a 3-ring binder in an elementary school library in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

That binder has a long list of book series for kids that I thought looked pretty interesting. Some of the books I had read over the years, but most of them I had not.

I decided to see why the good folks who were responsible for putting that list into that 3-ring binder had made good choices or not. So I wrote down the alphabetical list and started reading all the books (if they were readily available) in each series.

I started at the beginning of the list (which actually has a series that starts with the number 43) and soon decided to make my opinions of what I was reading public.

So here we are.

In addition to book series, I figured why not review other things of interest to kids and their parents and grandparents too? After all, I like toys and games as much as the next grandpa.

Who knows where this will lead? I hope you enjoy my/our journey.

Update 7/7/24: This journey seems to have ended. I never did make it all the way through that list. Instead, I started writing about the Discworld novels that Sir Terry Pratchett wrote. They're much better than virtually all the books I've reviewed here.

I don't expect to write any more reviews here. If I do more book reviewing, I'll do it here, where I did the Discworld series reviews. Why not take a peek at them?