
How to Train Your Dragon: Written by a 6th Grader?

How to Train Your Dragon is a series of 12 books (or I wouldn't be reviewing it here) as well as series of movies. There's even a website dedicated to it. There are video games and much more.

I've only read the first book - and maybe this is the reason - but I just don't get it. Why all the fuss?

The first book seems to have been written by a 6th grader.

Granted, there are no spelling or grammatical errors, but that just means it was proofread properly before it went to press.

There is an overabundance of the use of CAPITAL LETTERS AS WHEN YOU WANT SOMEONE TO BE SHOUTING.

The phrasing of sentences throughout the book just seems like it was not written by an adult.

One term that occurs multiple times is "Thors'day Thursday". It's as if the author didn't realize that Thursday IS NAMED FOR THOR. A 6th grader might not know that.

The more I think about it, the more I suspect I'm correct - at least, about the first book - because, as you can see on the cover, it says "AS TOLD TO Cressida Cowell".

I know that this COULD just be a gimmick used by the author, but is/was it? If anyone has a definitive answer to this question, I'd be interested in hearing it.

It's hard not to recommend a series that has had this much commercial success, but I just can't. Watch the movies (which may not resemble the book...I dunno) and play the games, if you like. Just don't bother to read the book.