
Heidi, Herbie, and Horrible Harry: 3 for the Price of 1

Yesterday I read 3 books from 3 different kids' series because they were all quite short. So today I'm going to combine reviews of them all into this one post.

Heidi Heckelbeck

The first book is Heidi Heckelbeck Gets Glasses. This isn't the first book in the series, but the first several were already checked out, so I just went with the next available one.

For the most part, this is a normal book about a young student who thinks it's so cool that one of her classmates got glasses that she lies about her own eyesight so she can be cool too. Of course, it doesn't work out as well as she had hoped. She confesses her sin (the book doesn't call it that) to her grandma.

That's when things get weird.

Not having read any of the other books in this series, I'm not sure how seriously we're supposed to take this, but Heidi's grandma is supposedly a witch who can cast spells.

While wearing her glasses that she doesn't need, Heidi messes up a concoction that is supposed to help Grandma's parrot. Instead, it makes the bird grow to room size.

Grandma fixes things and all is right in the end, but I'm not sure about the witch thing. Was it supposed to be real or all in their imagination? Maybe I should check out one more book to see if I can figure it out. (I probably won't though.)

Herbie Jones

The second book is Herbie Jones Sails into Second Grade. This is a rather uneventful book about Herbie finding a new friend.

The most interesting thing for me was that the teacher allowed the students to call him "Mr. S."

Horrible Harry

The final book, which is by the same author - Suzy Kline - as the Herbie series, is Horrible Harry in Room 2B. Harry is only sorta the main character. The story is told by a classmate named Doug.

Harry is horrible sometimes, good sometimes, and a decent friend most of the time.

That's about it.

All of these books are easy reads (obviously). I would recommend any of them, as long as you're okay with the witch thing.