
Frankly, Frannie: The Awesome Life of a 7-Year-Old

Frannie sees the world differently than you do. But that's understandable since she's only about 7 years old. (That's my best guess anyway.)

Frannie wants to speak and act like an adult and does her level best to accomplish this humungous task.

Unfortunately, it almost always gets her into trouble. Unintentional trouble, but trouble just the same.

Still, you love her for it. I think young readers will like her too and may be able to identify with her. Perhaps they'll even learn something about how not to get into trouble from reading about her.

Frankly, Frannie is a very quick read. I could have easily read it in an afternoon, but intentionally stretched it over two days.

If I wanted to take the time, I would read more in the series to see what else she thinks about the adult world, to find what troubles she gets into or avoids, and to learn if she grows through her tribulations.

But it's time to keep moving. Up next will be a series about a critter that I didn't know was featured in any significant books - the hamster.