
The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Boy: Kinda Average

The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Boy is a series by William Boniface that probably will appeal mostly to boys in the middle grades.

The premise is that everyone has a special, superhuman (sorta), superhero type of power - everyone except Ordinary Boy (aka OB), of course.

Most of the powers are relatively useless. OB, despite not apparently having any, still manages to be the hero of this tale.

The first half, or so, of this book (and I didn't read any others in the series) seems to ramble on without having much direction. The author has a lot of characters to introduce, which is fine, but in the process the main thread of the plot just never gets formed.

There are only 2 more books in the series: The Return of Meteor Boy? and The Great Powers Outage.

Many children probably won't notice this or even care because of the unusual characters they meet.

So based on just this one book, I'd call this a middle-of-the-road series as far as quality and the ability to hold the reader's interest is concerned. It gets a thumbs sideways and a little more than a meh.