
Cody: Clementine Revisited

You may have noticed that I'm doing these reviews in alphabetical order. I may have even mentioned that earlier, but I'm not going back to check.

In any case, that puts the Cody series right after the Clementine series. Somewhere in between the two I read that those who like the Clementine series will probably like Cody too.

I sorta wish I hadn't read that because it set up some expectations for Cody that it probably shouldn't have.

And Cody didn't live up to them.

The Cody books are fine, but they're not as good as Clementine. They're not quite as witty. They somehow feel looser (for lack of a better term) than Clementine.

I only read one Cody book - Cody and the Fountain of Happiness - because I'd had enough of that style of writing for a while. That says something about how similar Clementine and Cody are.

I would recommend Cody for children, but I would give Clementine an even stronger push.